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De Olde Nabiac Klub

De Olde Nabiac Klub's (DONK) Safety First project didn't discriminate between DONK members and the general public, placing the health and safety of both firmly under the spotlight. DONK, an engine and vehicle restoration group, was awarded a RASF Community Futures Grant in order to purchase safety equipment for their display days at regional Shows along the Mid Coast and inland NSW.

DONK members share a love for tinkering with machinery and engines, displaying their vintage mechanisms from old cars and bikes to vintage mowers and generators to crowds eager to learn, reminisce and 'have a go' at the old equipment. Describing themselves as almost vintage, the DONK members knew it was time they invested in necessary first-aid kits, including an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in case the worst ever happened. For their own comfort and safety, they also required a gazebo for shade and safety mesh fencing - both also there for the protection of the public and displays.

Once the Grant money was received and the Safety First project equipment ordered, the DONK members also undertook first aid training and accessed other necessary supplies, including fire extinguishers. Group safety overall became a priority and sharing their new information with other like-minded clubs and groups began. DONK is now confident that every time they hit the road they have the skills, knowledge and supplies to deal with medical emergencies and ensure a satisfying and safe time is had by all.